GoFormz at AWEA WINDPOWER 2016
Rob Brewster, VP of Sales, and Jason Craven, VP of Customer Success, will be attending this year's WINDPOWER conference hosted by the American Wind Energy Association, in New Orleans on May 23-26. If you plan on also checking out the exhibits and sessions at the event, and want to meet up with them, please let us know! Just drop us a line at sales@goformz.com. They’d love to hear how GoFormz is helping your business and to tell you more about how GoFormz is getting involved in the renewable energy space.
DID YOU KNOW? Today, the United States is the #1 wind energy producer in the world. Wind energy is poised to be a major energy solution as States implement the EPA Clean Power Plan. Exciting times in the wind energy industry! Help us and many other companies out there create a green footprint!