4 Form Automations to Streamline Your Small Business

Elevate your small business with these easy-to-implement automation features with GoFormz

Leveraging innovative tools like GoFormz digital forms can revolutionize how small businesses operate. GoFormz offers a comprehensive platform allowing businesses to digitally create, manage, and automate various forms and documents. With form automation capabilities, small businesses can streamline their operations significantly. Businesses can save time, reduce errors, and increase efficiency by digitizing traditionally paper-based processes, such as data collection, invoicing, and reporting. Automation enables seamless workflows, where information flows effortlessly from one stage to the next, eliminating manual data entry and ensuring accuracy. 

Whether it's capturing customer information, managing inventory, or tracking expenses, GoFormz digital forms empower small businesses to optimize their processes and focus their resources on growth and innovation. In this blog, we’ll highlight four key form automations you can implement immediately to streamline your small business operations:

Auto-Email Completed Forms

When a form is completed, Automated Workflows can be configured to automatically route completed forms to designated personnel. This feature not only expedites the flow of information but also fosters enhanced communication and collaboration among your clients, colleagues, teammates, and beyond. By streamlining this process, you empower your team to focus on what truly matters while ensuring everyone stays informed and connected. For example, a new patient completes a client intake form on an iPad. When that new patient completes the form, it can be automatically routed to a specific doctor or administrative assistant, streamlining the patient intake process and simplifying the communication between patients and doctors.

Auto-Upload to Cloud Storage

Once a form is filled out, an Automated Workflow can kick in to swiftly direct completed forms to designated Cloud storage folders. This functionality not only accelerates the information flow but also consolidates record-keeping for smaller teams. By simplifying this procedure, your team can redirect their efforts towards more productive tasks instead of being bogged down by administrative paperwork. For instance, when a customer finishes an electronic signature form, the system can automatically route it to a designated customer folder within your Cloud storage platform.

Automatically Calculate Totals

Automatic Calculations are a powerful feature in the GoFormz platform and have limitless possibilities. Much like the familiar workings of Excel, this intuitive form builder empowers individuals to perform complex calculations effortlessly. From tallying totals to tracking employee hours, the capabilities are virtually limitless. This functionality not only simplifies the form-filling journey for end-users but also serves as a vigilant guardian against human error. Automating calculations not only saves time but also ensures accuracy, safeguarding your data integrity. For example, when completing an online order form, as soon as the user selects how many items they are going to want to be included in their order, the form instantly calculates the total cost. It does this by multiplying the unit price by the quantity you chose and adding it all up. To learn more about how to set up calculations, check out our free guide with a step-by-step walkthrough of some of our most common use cases. >

Auto-Populate Form Fields

During the form-filling process, leveraging DataSources to populate form field information further automatically streamlines the experience. By pairing DataSources with various form fields such as Database or Text fields, once a form field is completed, other related fields will automatically fill with relevant data. This functionality is invaluable because it saves time by reducing manual data entry, allowing users to complete forms more quickly. Additionally, it maintains consistency across form fields, promoting uniformity in data input while enhancing the user experience by making the process smoother and more intuitive.

Are you a small business looking to enhance your operations, efficiently? Sign up for a free trial today and see how easy it is to automate your processes with these four capabilities.