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Please Note: Changes to Device Log Out Functionality

Update: In addition to our new device interface detailed below, we are continually enhancing our ability to offer administrative support and account control. In the meantime, should a GoFormz enabled device be stolen, lost or you have any other security concern, please email us at for priority individual service. Thank you for always pushing us to be better!

In response to feedback from both GoFormz administrators and users, we have replaced the web-based device log out function with an easier, more responsive process.

We have removed the Log Out button from the Users & Groups page, and users can now disconnect a previous device straight from their current device. This eliminates the need for users to switch to a computer or contact an administrator.

If a user has reached their device limit and then tries to log in from another device, they will no longer be blocked by an error message. Instead, a simple window appears where they can select one of their other devices to “kick out”. Once the user has chosen which device to remove, they will be logged in normally on their current device.

Note: The disconnected device will still be able to sync its data the next time it's online, if it hasn't already. Also, no login is required if you want to access GoFormz from the device again. Simply open the app and decide which active device you would like to disconnect (if the device maximum is reached). You will then be taken directly to your GoFormz dashboard.

If you have any questions regarding our new device log out process, please contact us at