[Video] GoFormz Office Hours: Discover the Latest Updates (Aug 2024)

From new Workflow functionality to Audio Form Fields, here’s a look at the latest GoFormz features

Recorded live on August 27th, 2024, Kelsey Griswold, VP of Product at GoFormz, and GoFormz Marketing Manager, Victoria Horn cover the latest GoFormz feature updates, and provide a look at what features are soon to be released, as well as some ideas and functionalities for the future.

We hope you enjoy this video recap, and if you have a specific feature in mind, check out the timeline below with detailed timestamps on when certain features are explored.

Quick Takeaways

The following timestamps give more specific detail on when new features and functionality are discussed, feel free to skim through and find the features that pique your interest most!

Introductions (00:05)

A welcome to the webinar and a chance to learn a little more about your hosts.

Workflow Quality of Life Updates (02:34)

The latest updates to the Workflow functionality within GoFormz, including new ways to update and edit existing workflows.

Template Editor & Form Management Updates (06:47)

All the new ways that you can manage and edit your form Templates, including form previewing and bulk editing functionality, as well as the new Audio Form Field abilities.

User Management & Permissions Updates (11:20)

Updates to the ways you can manage users, including new permissions, and new form accessibility levels.

Live Product Demonstration (14:02)

A live tour of all the latest features previously covered, but shown within the product for ease of implementation.

What’s Coming Soon (27:56)

Back into the presentation for a closer look at all the features currently being built and tested by the GoFormz product team, such as new notification abilities, Public Form capabilities, and new ways to manage your existing GoFormz data.

Q&A Block (40:50)

All the questions that were asked during the webinar from live audience members.

Closing Announcements (52:30)

Closing details from the webinar, a reminder about where to find the latest news, and contact information for reaching out to the GoFormz team with any questions.

Not yet a GoFormz user, but excited about our new features? Schedule a demo today to see how GoFormz can help your business.