The Invoice Form on Your Mobile Device

Easily access digital Invoice forms from your mobile devices

Having an Invoice form on your iPad or other tablet device improves your ‘paperwork’ organization and allows you to capture information on the go. Most importantly, it allows you to submit invoices faster than with paper forms regardless if you are in the office, at a jobsite or in transit, AND it automates the invoice processing workflows. 

Invoice forms tie together the original work order filled out for a job, customer information, and a description of the work completed. GoFormz allows you to include automated calculations and customized workflows that notify you or the appropriate department when an invoice has been paid. Triggers can also be set to alert you if an issue with payment has occurred or failed. These can save you time and money and speed up collections. Rather than tracking payments for completed projects you can focus on starting new ones.

●      Workflow logic & triggers can be setup to automatically email an invoice to customer when it's time to bill them for work completed.

●      GPS fields allow you to add a map or coordinates of the jobsite as an added level of detail.

●      Tables centralize important pieces of information related to what the customer is being billed for and how much for each line item.

●      Number fields can be setup to automatically calculate totals to ensure proper billing and avoid any mathematical errors.

●      Text fields capture specific details about the customer and the job in general.

Sign up for GoFormz now, and get this starter form template for free!