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[Video] ProTip: Automatically Transfer Forms

Transferring Forms makes collaborating with teammates seamless and stress-free.

Leveraging Automatic Workflows can further simplify your collaboration by automating Form transfers based on a variety of triggers. This means that instead of having to remember who needs to receive specific forms next, a workflow can transfer the form for you based on your activity. 

For example, if a technician were to complete a form, an Automated Workflow could then be instructed to transfer the form to a supervisor for approval. When completed forms are transferred to other users, the form is automatically reopened and becomes a draft in the recipient's account. 

Setting up an automated Form transfer is simple. Watch this quick video to learn how, or follow the instructions below. 

Setting up an Automated Form Transfer:

  1. Navigate to the Templates Tab and select the Form Template you would like to add Automatic Transfer rules to.

  2. When the Template Editor launches, select Manage Events from the right hand corner. The Manage Events window will load.

  3. Click Add Trigger to create a new event to trigger the Automatic Transfer, or select an existing event.

  4. In the ‘When this happens’ section, design your event trigger by selecting a User and a Trigger. The selected ‘User’ specifies who completes the ‘Trigger’, which is the action completed. For this example we will select Technicians as the User and Completes Form as the Trigger.

  5. Under ‘Do the following’, select ‘Transfer’, then, select the User or Group the Form should be transferred to. For this example, we will select ‘Supervisors’.

  6. Click ‘Save Changes’ in the Template Events window.

  7. Click ‘Save Changes’ in the Template Editor.

Learn to further optimize your automated Form sharing by enabling PDF copies of completed forms to be instantly emailed to customers. Click the button below to watch an instructional video and learn more.