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6 Fields & Features to Add To Your Digital Manufacturing Contracts

Augment your manufacturing contracts with these powerful fields and features

Digital form fields and features can significantly improve the completeness and professionalism of your manufacturing contracts and service agreements. Your manufacturing forms can be easily digitized for use on phones, tablets, and computers, making it easy to generate and dispatch forms from any location. Once submitted, your digital manufacturing contracts can be instantly accessed for review and processing, or routed to a customer email – streamlining contract processing and client communication.

Ready to digitize your digital manufacturing contracts and service agreements? Check out the six fields and features your business should add to its digital manufacturing forms: 

  1. Electronic Signatures
    Simplify the collection of client authorizations with electronic signature fields. Your electronic Signature fields and E-SIGN Act-compliant eSign fields can be made Required, ensuring important approvals are captured before a form can be submitted. Your Signature fields can even be accompanied by an automatically populated Timestamp, making it easy to reference authorization details in case of a dispute. 

  2. Database fields
    Your database or connected platforms (like Salesforce, Excel, Google Sheets, and more) can be easily referenced to instantly populate relevant form fields with highly accurate information. For example, a Drop Down menu item selection of a customer name could instantly populate their address, phone number, email address and more. Leveraging Database fields, your digital manufacturing contracts can be configured to accelerate the entry of information and eliminate opportunities for human error. This functionality can also be used when leveraging Barcode Scanning. 

  3. Barcode Scanning
    Using your device’s camera feature, your digital manufacturing contracts can be used to scan the Barcode of products, equipment, and more, and instantly populate its details within corresponding form fields. For example, a Barcode could be used to populate a product’s name, SKU number, and more. This feature not only accelerates the entry of product or service information, but also eliminates the need for redundant data entry and reduces opportunities for error.

  4. Time & Date fields
    Time and Date fields make it easy to document and reference critical contract details. When a digital manufacturing contract is generated, your Time and Date fields can be instantly populated, ensuring the date is entered and accurate. Your Time and Date fields can also be populated when specific actions are taken within a form, for example, when a Signature field is completed. 

  5. Replicated Fields
    When completing contracts and service agreements, the same information is often entered within multiple instances. This results in more than a simple inconvenience for form fillers, as there are more opportunities for error. Leveraging Replicated Fields, data entered within one instance can instantly populate other instances of the same field with data – accelerating form completion and improving the accuracy of entered data. 

  6. Automated Workflows
    Using Automated Workflows, your operation can significantly streamline the delivery, processing, and storage of completed digital manufacturing forms. For example, an Automated Workflow could be used to instantly route a PDF copy of a completed digital manufacturing contract to the client email entered into the form, or used to instantly upload said form to a connected platform, like Salesforce.

ProTip: Leverage Conditional Logic to make fields dynamically Required, Visible, or change their Background Color or Font Color
Leveraging Dynamic Field Properties, your form fields can dynamically become Required, Visible or Hidden, or change their color, based on input data, data selections (e.g. Drop Down menu item selections), a user’s Group membership, and more. By dynamically changing the look and behavior of your fields, your digital form can be configured to guide data capture and ensure critical fields are completed before a form can be submitted. 

To learn more about how your manufacturing operation could be leveraging digital forms to save time and budget, and improve professionalism, check out this case study from Federal MFG.