FAQ: Can Data Sources be used while offline?

Can Data Sources be used while filling out forms offline?

Yes! If your GoFormz subscription is Advanced or higher, your Data Sources can be used while working offline. Data Sources act as simplified database tables and can be referenced by form fields to provide a powerful way to simplify data capture and increase accuracy. Your mobile forms can use a Data Source to auto-populate fields in a form or present specific options to a user, based on an input value or selection in another field. 

For example, if a user were to select a customer name from a Drop Down menu, corresponding fields like their phone number, address, email, and more, could instantly be filled with Data Source information. 

List of Data Sources, displaying the ‘use offline’ and ‘public’ functionalities, along with the ‘more’ tab drop down menu

To make your Data Sources accessible while using the GoFormz mobile app offline, follow the easy steps below:

  1. Log in to your GoFormz account from a computer. 

  2. Select the ‘More’ tab from the menu bar and click ‘Manage Data Sources’.

  3. A screen displaying a list of your Data Sources will load. Here you can easily create, manage, and delete your Data Sources

  4. Locate the Data Source you would like to use offline, and toggle the ‘Use Offline’ switch to the right. 

Database fields (e.g. Drop Down menus) connected to this Data Source will now work while your device is offline – allowing your team to maintain efficient, accurate, and complete data capture, even while they are without a consistent signal.

To learn more about offline data capture, check out this blog post or read how Mangan Logging leverages mobile forms while offline in remote locations.