Customer Success Story: Petrol Services Australia

“[GoFormz] saves us around $350,000 a year… it has allowed us to get more sales and work, without hiring more people.”- Peter Burton, Systems Analyst

Needed a digital solution to address the manual inefficiencies obstructing productivity throughout the Petrol Services Australia workflow.

Implemented GoFormz to automate time-consuming tasks (e.g. delivering paperwork) and business-critical workflows, resulting in significant time and financial savings.


  • Instantaneous form routing to key-players and other business systems led to sales growth, without the need for additional administrative support

  • Expedited data entry (due to Drop Down lists and Data Sources tied to form fields)

  • Triggered Events result in timely, consistent routing of data to critical business systems

  • Significant time and financial savings


  • Preventative Maintenance Forms

  • Task Sheets

  • MS Calibration and Verification Forms

  • Leave Applications

Looking to read more about how GoFormz helped Petrol Services Australia (PSA) save big? Click the button below to read up on PSA's digital transformation.