The Anatomy of a Powerful Mobile Form

Discover the full power of your mobile forms

When you think “GoFormz”, mobile forms probably come to mind… but did you know that there are multitudes of behind-the-scenes features and functions that help transform your mobile forms into data capture powerhouses? 

It’s true! GoFormz mobile forms are so much more than your average fill-in-the-blank digital documents. Forms digitized with GoFormz can be enriched with forget-and-set workflows, powerful integrations and a variety of automations — seamlessly routing and applying your data, without adding to your workload. 

Interested in taking a peek under the hood? Explore the features and functions that help your GoFormz account thrive, here:

Daily tasks add up fast… don’t let important to do’s slip through the cracks! With GoFormz you can automate frequently completed tasks, like: 

  • Sending copies of a Timesheet to a supervisor

  • Organizing forms under a specific user name

  • Routing and entering data into other business systems

  • Auto-Calculations (eliminating manual math and human error)

It’s easy to automate tasks from the GoFormz web app, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your account from a computer

  2. Open your form in the Template Editor

  3. Select Manage Events

  4. Select or add a Trigger
    You can choose a Trigger (e.g. when a Technician completes a form) and a corresponding Action to automatically be completed (e.g. send an email or Tag your form)

  5. Fill out any additional details (e.g. your email’s content or what Tag to add)

  6. Hit save

Simple Logic
Give your users a guiding hand with simple logic embedded into your forms, including: 

  • Required fields - Required fields ensure crucial data is input before a user can complete their form. For example, forms are often turned in missing time-sensitive data — Required fields eliminates this issue.

  • Visibility - Manipulate the visibility of fields, based on the data input into corresponding fields. For example, if a user were to check a Checkbox indicating they are a supervisor, additional fields to be filled out could be made visible. By altering the visibility of fields solely for specific users, form creators can minimize opportunities for irrelevant or incorrect data to be entered.

  • Background Color - Alert users to neglected form fields and important missing data (e.g. a forgotten Signature box) with dynamic Background Color properties, that change in response to specific input or missing data.

Ready to get started? Check out our Starter Forms to learn more about what you can accomplish using GoFormz.