ProTip: Use the Calculation Builder to Configure Default Form Names
The Default Form Name is applied to every new form created from a particular template, allowing your business to easily enforce form naming conventions
Your Default Form Name can be configured so that each form created from a specific Template has the same name or so that it dynamically incorporates a unique identifier. For example, the Default Form Name of a form generated from an invoice Template could simply be ‘Customer Invoice’, or, it could be ‘Customer Invoice - [Customer Name] - [Date]’, pulling data input into specific form fields.
Invoice form name dynamically updating to include a customer name
Why make Default Form Names dynamic?
Making your Default Form Name dynamic allows your operation to effortlessly enforce form naming conventions, without relying on users to remember to do so. This significantly simplifies form organization and makes it easier to find forms via search. (ProTip: You can also automatically Tag forms with a customer or user name)
How do I make the Default Form Name dynamic?
The Calculation Builder makes it easy to make your Default Form Name dynamic. To get started, log in to GoFormz from a computer and open the Template you would like to add a Default Form Name to. Next:
1. Select the gear icon to expand a menu of options for your Template and select Default Form Name.
2. The Calculation Builder will load, displaying examples of how you can apply your Default Form Name. You can either add plain text or a Calculation. For this example, we’ll use a formula to instruct our form to add a customer name and the date, after the name of our Template, ‘Customer Invoice’.
3. To do so, we’ll click into the Formula Bar at the top of the Calculation Builder modal and enter an ‘=’. This tells the Calculation Builder that we will be using a formula to configure our Default Form Name.
4. Next, we’ll enter “Customer Invoice - ”, which is plain text we would like included in the name of each form completed from this Template. Now we can begin entering the name of the fields we would like to pull data from. Next, we’ll add: &[NAME OF FIELD]&" "&[NAME OF FIELD] which tells our Template to add our two fields with a space in between, following ‘Customer Invoice -’.
5. Test your formula directly within the Calculation Builder by clicking ‘Test Formula’ and then click ‘Done’.
6. Save and publish your changes.
To learn more about how your business can leverage the Calculation Builder to add and test form logic, check out this overview video.