Group Guidance: How Using ‘IsInGroup’ Can Help Your Teams

Working as a team can be tough… and organizing multiple teams can be even harder.

Often, different teams, users and groups use the exact same for in a completely different way — so how can admins and form creators best control the way each group inputs their data? 

We created the ‘IsInGroup’ functionality to improve the way each user interacts with their mobile forms. IsInGroup leverages DFP (Dynamic Field Properties) capabilities to structure the way users in specific group interact with a form. Below are two examples of how IsInGroup can improve your team’s form experience: 

Simplified Supervision
Generally tasked with more responsibility, Supervisors are often required to review and approve their team’s work. Using IsInGroup, form creators can instruct form fields to only become visible to Supervisors reviewing a document. 

For example, if a technician were to submit a progress report detailing their work, a ‘Comments’ section or ‘Supervisor Signature’ field could be instructed to become visible for reviewers within the ‘Supervisor’ group only. These hidden fields help avoid confusion when other users complete a form, by only showing them what they need to see to complete their work. 

Changing Requirements
Different groups use the same form for different reasons. For example, if a Sales team member were collaborating on the same form as a Technician, the fields they would need to complete are often incredibly different. For this reason, IsInGroup works perfectly — enabling form creators to make certain fields Required for the Sales team, and others Required for Technicians. 

With the ability to assign specific field requirements to different groups, form creators can ensure each group is inputting 100% of the data critical to their job performance — without forcing other teams to fill out fields irrelevant to their job function. 

Ready to implement ‘IsInGroup’ functionalities within your forms? Check out this ProTip to learn how