Spotlight Field: The Date (and Time) Field

From due dates to Signature capture, your team relies on the Date field more than you may know

So how can you take advantage of this essential field? We’ll guide you through the ins-and-outs of adding and leveraging, powerful Date fields.

Adding A Date Field: 

Including a Date field within your form is incredibly simple –– just drag and drop the field onto your desired location. You can then alter the Date field as you please (e.g. making the Date of a Signature field Required). 

A more granular option is to select the Date & Time field, which records not only the calendar date, but the exact time. The Date & Time field becomes incredibly useful for recording employee hours, and logs of service completed. 

Ways to Utilize Date Fields: 

Although the Date field can appear relatively straightforward, there are a variety of ways you can utilize the field. 

  • Signature Capture
    Effortlessly record the exact day and time a Signature is completed.

  • Logging Hours
    Empower your staff to easily document their work hours, overtime shifts and more.

  • Detailing Incidents
    Capture crucial incident information.

The Date field goes hand in hand with the GoFormz Signature field, discover more on this partnership by clicking the button below.