5 Features to Include In Your Digital Teacher Forms

Digital forms make it easy to share online assignments and other classroom documents with students anywhere, and access completed forms in real-time

Student works on laptop at family dining room table with mother helping her

Whether your class is operating via distance learning or held in the classroom, digital forms are a powerful asset for any teacher. Check out the five powerful features below and get started digitizing your assignments, reading logs, permission slips, and other teacher forms today!

  1. The Public Forms feature
    Using the GoFormz Public Forms, links to your digital forms can be easily shared with students and their guardians, no matter their location. Public Forms allows students and families to easily access, fill out and submit documents, conveniently from their mobile devices or computer. Your Public Forms can be configured so that only specific fields are editable and can be easily equipped with expiration dates, making it easy to guide data entry and manage form submissions. Once a form has been submitted, it can be instantly accessed, reviewed, processed, or uploaded to connected systems (like Google Drive, Box, and more). 

  2. Required fields
    Making your digital teacher form fields Required ensures that important information, like a parent-guardian Signature or a student’s name, isn’t missing when a form is submitted. Your form fields can even be made dynamically Required, based on input data, Checkbox selections, and more. 

  3. Image and Sketch fields
    Digital forms can easily host new data types, like Images and Sketches, allowing students to easily upload photos of projects or add images to assignments, and even annotate them. Sketch fields can even be used to sketch over diagrams (e.g. a diagram of a cell) or to incorporate a student’s own creation! 

  4. Checkbox Groups
    make multiple choice a breeze. Using Checkbox Groups, form builders can determine how many selections can be made, the shape of the checkbox (you can even design your form like a scantron!), and more. 

  5. Signature fields
    Finally, Signature fields make it easy for students to sign their own name in a form or capture parent-guardian authorizations in permission slips, and more.

Looking for more ways digital forms can improve your classroom or school? Check out the top ten digital forms for educators here and explore our accompanying eBook!

Mo van Zuylen