How To Capture Maps & GPS Data Within Your Mobile Forms

Collecting GPS data via mobile forms provides increased insight into your team’s activity and progress

GPS data can be leveraged in a variety of ways, from identifying the location of a job site or incident, to tracking the location of equipment or deliveries. 

With GoFormz, your mobile form Templates can be equipped with GPS & Map fields, allowing users to easily input their location with a few simple taps. These GPS fields can then be modified to best meet your end user’s needs. For example, the Default Value of your GPS/Map field can be set to instantly capture the location of a user when a form is generated. 

Use case example
North American Pipeline Inspection needed a way to track the location of pipeline ‘connectors’, so that they could carefully monitor for leaks and simplify inspections. 

“Every two thousand feet of pipeline there is a connection that needs to be monitored, measured and captured on a daily basis,” Tony Burke, a Project Manager for North American Pipeline Inspection, explained. “During construction, if we can go back to a specific connector based on GPS data, that enables us to speed up the repair and the whole entire process.”

With mobile forms, North American Pipeline Inspection teams can easily add the location of connectors to their forms. This process has also granted further insight into field team productivity. “I can see when they push a button, where they are at,” Tony explained. “It also gives me the quality assurance of knowing the guys are in the field completing that form, and where their location is.”

How to add GPS & Map fields to your mobile form Template

Adding GPS & Map fields to your mobile form Templates is incredibly easy: 

  1. Login to GoFormz from a computer and open your form in the Template Editor. 

  2. Drag-and-drop the Location field onto the desired location of your form. 

  3. Adjust your field’s size and properties. Once you have adjusted your field’s size, navigate to the Properties panel. This is where you can change your field’s name, make your field Required, add a Date Stamp, set your Default Value to ‘auto’, and select whether the location should be displayed as a map or GPS coordinates. 

  4. Click ‘Save’.

There are countless fields and features you can leverage to improve your mobile forms. Check out more digital features that can take your mobile forms further here.