[Video] Spotlight Form: The Digital Invoice Template

GoFormz makes it easy to complete and share professional digital Invoices to customers.

Watch this quick video and explore the features listed below, to learn how using digital Invoice templates can optimize your payment processing workflow:

Digital fields and features:

  • Drop Downs & Data Sources
    Instantly populate customer information using Drop Downs pre-filled with Data Sources collections of your data

  • Tables
    Provide a professional breakdown of project line items (e.g. labor and services, materials, etc.) by including customizable Tables

  • Automatic Calculations
    Leverage Automatic Calculations to expedite the calculation of invoice totals, and eliminate errors resulting from manual math

  • Automated Workflows
    With Automated Workflows, instantly route Invoices to customers, partners and colleagues

  • Tags
    Intuitively organize your Invoices using custom Tags

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