The Top Digital Forms for Property Management
Digitize your rental property forms with GoFormz and experience the benefits of streamlined collaboration, enhanced communication, and increased client satisfaction
Property management firms have lots of responsibilities. From determining competitive rent prices to screening tenants and properly maintaining properties, these critical items can get backed up easily if daily operations aren’t efficient. Paper forms add to the inefficiencies within property management offices – creating tedious manual tasks that oftentimes require rekeying information.
For too long, property managers of all types (residential, commercial, industrial, and special-purpose) have battled paper and manual payment processes, resulting in communication barriers, low visibility, and unsatisfied clients. Fortunately, digital data capture platforms like GoFormz can significantly enhance your daily operations by accelerating daily processes, streamlining common tasks, and relieving productivity bottlenecks.
GoFormz is your one-stop-shop for digital transformation: empowering your business to eliminate time-consuming manual daily work while maintaining a high level of quality and accuracy. With our powerful drag-and-drop online form builder, you can enhance your existing paper documentation with form fields while maintaining your branding and the look and feel of your original paper forms.
Even better, digital forms can be submitted directly from any device (computer, tablet, or mobile), removing the need for forms to be manually turned in. With instant access to submitted forms (even from remote locations), your business can save significant time and money by eliminating the redundant rekeying of forms into additional systems and eliminating administrative burdens.
To learn more about specific use case examples, check out these top digital forms that current GoFormz users leverage to enhance their property management operations:
Property Lease Agreement Form
One of the largest use cases that can benefit the most from digitization is the completion of property lease agreements. Oftentimes, residential properties have more than one tenant living in the same space, so requesting lease agreements from more than one tenant can be challenging. Digitizing property lease agreements within the GoFormz platform allows your management firm the ability to not only maintain the original formatting of your existing document but also creates countless opportunities for streamlining data capture of tenant information.
Through our form sharing feature, Public Forms, property managers can share lease agreements with tenants via a shared link. These shared links can even be shared with the pre-filled tenant or building information, pulling from the integrated application or Data Sources, drastically improving the collection of tenant information. Once this critical information is input, using Automated Workflows, PDF copies of the submitted lease agreements can be instantly routed to property managers, tenants, or connected Cloud storage platforms – improving transparency and communication, while simplifying record-keeping.
To learn more about rental property lease agreements, check out these top five benefits to digitizing your rental lease agreements >
Sale of Property Form
Collecting data is critical for property managers. One of the most commonly used digital fields for property management firms is electronic Signature fields. Adding electronic Signature fields to your digital and online forms is quick and easy – requiring no code or IT assistance. This field is extremely useful for capturing authorizations when licensed property management firms purchase real estate for rental purposes.
To further enhance your electronic Signature field, leverage Dynamic Field Properties, to draw attention to where critical information must be input. Your fields can dynamically become Required, ensuring your forms are completed prior to submitting or you can even dynamically change the Background Color of your Signature fields based on a user’s input or field selection, guiding data entry.
Customer Care Claims
Having the ability to quickly respond to tenant requests is crucial for brand reputation and customer satisfaction. With the ability to incorporate new data fields like Image and Sketch fields, tenants can provide visual context for property managers – elevating communication and increasing visibility into potential tenant issues that require a resolution. This feature drastically reduces the amount of time tenants have to wait for their customer care claims to be addressed – significantly enhancing customer satisfaction for property owners and managers.
Additionally, traditional paper forms don’t allow teams the ability to customize their forms the way digital forms do. Through Conditional Logic, fields can be made Hidden/Visible, highlighted, or Required, by applying certain parameters to field values. For example, if certain sections of the customer care claims form require a further explanation and the user selects the answer that triggers more information for the property manager, then an additional field will populate to capture that critical information in the same location, making data capture simpler than ever before.
To learn more about this specific use case, check out how one of our current clients leverages the GoFormz platform to automate their customer care claims >
“GoFormz has provided us with an innovative solution to compliment the system we have put in place with Balmain & Care. The online form they have created is an invaluable tool that not only simplifies the experience for purchasers, residents, and building managers but also streamlines our internal workflow.”
Property Contract
Oftentimes, property contracts require the same information throughout the document – creating tiresome redundant form filling for users which can oftentimes lead to human error. Using Replicate fields, users would only need to complete the field once and the same information would be populated throughout each instance in the form. For example, if a user was required to provide initials throughout multiple fields within a property contract, simply completing the first field can populate each instance of a Replicated field throughout the form. This feature can be easily applied in the GoFormz Template Editor, significantly reducing human error and accelerating data entry.
Additionally, contracts generally require dates to be entered when submitting authorizations. Date fields oftentimes accompany Signature fields, move-in dates, closing dates, and more. This field can be easily configured to auto-populate when a form is generated or when a specific field has been completed – streamlining data capture and form completion processes.
By leveraging digital forms, property management firms of all sizes can capture better, accurate data, all while streamlining and expediting processes. To learn more about how property managers are utilizing digital forms to capture better data, check out how PropTech teams can benefit from digital and online forms, or check out these three ways digital data capture can support your business initiatives.