4 Powerful Mobile Form Features for Fleet Management

Digitizing your fleet management forms for use on mobile devices enables your business to achieve lower operational costs and greater returns

Mobile forms not only empower your business to eliminate the manual resources needed to support paper fleet management documents (e.g. filing materials, printing resources, etc.) but also drive communication and collaboration across your operation via real-time data and powerful digital features.

Track project progress and increase transparency with GPS and Maps

Managing drivers and fleet activity is made drastically easier with mobile forms. Mobile fleet management forms allow for the effortless inclusion of GPS data and Maps directly from a user’s device. With real-time access to submitted forms and data, back-office fleet management teams can more easily track the progress of their drivers and cargo.

Expedite line item calculations and improve accuracy with Automatic Calculations

Paper forms and manual data entry provide countless opportunities for human error and miscalculations. With mobile fleet management forms, total mileage and fuel expenses instantly with Automatic Calculations. Additionally, product line items can be rapidly completed and auto-filled with Barcode Scanning.

Simplify approvals with digital Signatures

Rather than waiting for paper fleet management forms to be hand-delivered to the back-office for authorizations, instantly access submitted mobile forms and data in real-time. With Cloud access and offline capabilities (in which forms and data are instantly synced once a signal becomes available) forms completed anywhere are available when you need them – no waiting required. This means that documents that require sign-offs and review can be instantly accessed from the back-office and digitally Signed, expediting project progress and approvals.

Garner compelling insights with custom Reports

Mobile forms grant fleet management teams the ability to schedule or instantly run custom Reports on collected data. With real-time, highly accurate data made instantly available for reporting, fleet management personnel can more precisely monitor idling times, route efficiencies, obstacles to productivity, fuel costs and more.

Bonus: Streamline data sharing and document completion via Automated Workflows

Because your forms and data are digital, mobile fleet management forms can be instantaneously routed from form fillers to the back-office, or to vendors and other business applications, leveraging Automated Workflows and event Triggers. Forms can even be Dispatched pre-filled from platforms like ServiceMax, Salesforce and more, expediting form completion and further improving accuracy.

Looking for more ways to improve your fleet management workflow? Check out our eBook, Four Mobile Forms for Transportation and Logistics to learn more.