Essential Mobile Forms for Job Site Safety

Improve your work site’s safety procedures with mobile forms

Ensuring the safety and compliance of field teams across a variety of build projects can feel overwhelming, especially when relying on paper forms and manual data capture. Paper forms not only waste time and budget, but also require hand-delivery, manual rekeying, exhaustive processing and physical storage. Adding to these frustrations are the risks of damaged or lost documents and inaccurate data due to human error. Each of these physical obstacles risk the safety and compliance of on-site teams, leaving your staff and business vulnerable.

Using mobile forms, job site teams can fill out and submit safety data digitally – allowing for instantaneous data access and real-time results. For example, consider an incident occurs on a job site, resulting in the injury of an employee. Rather than frantically searching through binders for the correct report, capturing incident images using a digital camera, and hand-delivering the form, mobile forms can be instantly submitted, reviewed and responded to. Mobile form data can even be routed to connected platforms, like Procore, for immediate record-updates and analysis.

Ready to digitally elevate your job site safety? Here are the mobile safety forms to add to your digital arsenal:

Job Safety Analysis forms

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) forms (also referred to as Job Hazard Analysis) act as an important medium for documenting a build’s scope, assessing the risks of required tasks, and detailing necessary safety procedures. For JSA’s to be effective, they must be accessible to any team member working on-site for the project. Digital forms simplify the distribution of JSA information using Automated Workflows – once a form has been completed, it can be instantly routed to dynamic email distribution lists, based on the project selected.

JSA form information often varies drastically from build to build, making the flexibility of digital JSA documents all the more important. For example, using mobile JSA forms and Dynamic Field Properties, form fields can be made visible if specific criteria has been met (e.g. an additional Text field could be made visible in response to a user noting specific equipment malfunctions). Similarly, the background color of form fields can dynamically change color, based on entered data – rapidly highlighting noted hazards and action items.
Learn more about digital Job Safety Analysis forms

Pre/Post Work Safety Checklists

A simple way to streamline the completion of pre and post work safety procedures, is through digital Safety Checklists. Leveraging digital Safety Checklists, teams in the field can rapidly note that specific safety procedures have been completed (e.g. scrap materials are properly stored, on-site staff are donning helmets and harnesses) and easily escalate the communication of compliance risks as they are noticed. For example, using Checkbox Groups, mobile form users can be limited to one answer per tasks (yes this task was completed, or no it was not). If a user were to select ‘No’ for a specific task, an additional Text field could be made Visible and Required, ensuring further information is input prior to form submission.

Safety Checklists are also an effective means of completing pre/post work inspections for more specific, detailed procedures. For example, an employee using heavy machinery or dangerous equipment would need to complete an additional checklist, detailing they have completed specific operator safety tasks. As soon as a Safety Checklist has been generated, it can be instantly populated with a user’s information, the build date and their site location – guaranteeing data is accurate and complete.
Learn more about digital Safety Checklists

Inspection forms

Inspection forms can take on a variety of safety job-site tasks – from stormwater permitting to geotechnical reviews. Utilizing digital Inspection forms allows your team to include compelling, new data types to better convey on-site hazards, like Images, Maps, and Sketches. Image fields empower users to quickly capture and input job site photos using their mobile device. These Images can then be further annotated to highlight key details and concerns. Similarly Sketches can be used to mark job site diagrams, noting areas of a structure or parts of equipment that require further attention. Finally, coordinates and Maps can be quickly input into Inspections, with a few simple taps.

Using Automated Workflows, completed digital Inspection forms can be automatically routed to supervisors, customers, subcontractors and more, seamlessly expediting responses to on-site concerns. Inspections can be also be automatically Tagged with a project, customer or inspector’s name, simplifying form location and record-keeping.
Learn more about digital Inspection forms

Incident Reports

If an incident on-site does occur, a digital Incident Report can be quickly generated and completed, from any location – even offline! Using Data Sources, employee or project information from your GoFormz account or connected platforms can be immediately used to populate fields. This automatic feature expedites form completion, allowing on-site teams to focus on responding to the incident, rather than filling out paperwork. Using Image fields, important incident visuals can be easily input (no struggling with printing images or cumbersome attachments). Digital Signature boxes can be used to quickly collect incident-relevant signatures and sign-offs. Finally, completed incident reports can be instantly routed to Human Resources, supervisors and other relevant departments for immediate action.
Learn more about incident and safety reporting

Improving job site safety and mitigating risks to compliance begins with an educated, proactive team. Fantastic online resources, like Procore’s Safety Qualified (PSQ) program, provide the information and guidelines teams need on the job site. PSQ, for example, provides five free courses centered around common OSHA violations, with the goal of “creating a culture of safety awareness with live-action, engaging and informative content”. To learn more or register for Procore Safety Qualified, click here.

To learn more about how construction teams are using mobile forms to simplify job site safety, check out our ‘Top Use Cases for Construction Mobile Forms’ eBook.